Tony is the new PGM in the Craft
On Thursday 31st August over 1800 masons descended on the Winter Gardens in Blackpool to witness the investiture of Tony Harrison as Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent of the Province of West Lancashire.
RW Bro. Tony Harrison PGM West Lancs Craft
The day started well with the entrance of a Grand delegation headed by RWBro Nigel Brown (Grand secretary), after addressing the assembly, RWBro Nigel Brown obligated and invested Tony as the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent for the West Lancashire Province.
Peter Connolly, PGM West Lancs Mark, Keith Partington Schofield, PGM East Lancs Mark
and Giles Berkley P.Prov. S.G.W.
Tony wasted no time in appointing his second and third Grand Principal's, followed immediately by investing EComp Danny Jones as the Deputy Grand Superintendent.
Peter Connolly, Peter Hegarty, Geoff Bury, Paul Broadley and Giles Berkley
After a superb luncheon VWBro Howard Jones, Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge opened Provincial Grand lodge. Again the Grand Director of Ceremonies introduced the Grand delegation into Provincial Grand lodge. RWBro Nigel Brown proceeded to obligate and invest Tony as the Provincial Grand Master for the province of West Lancashire.
Some of the Provincial Supporters Club
Having paid tribute to his predecessor Peter Hosker, Tony was delighted to announce that Howard Jones was to continue as Deputy Provincial Grand Master he then appointed his assistants.

Story courtesy of Peter Hegarty